Sunday, July 15, 2007

You're Not Lance Armstrong!

There are a certain group of people that I absolutly cannot stand. Most of them usually come out all togeather during a certain time of the year. Its around mid July - The Tour de France. There are the true competitors in France, and I am okay with them, but its all of the other people who think they are in France competing. These people are usually strange people too (I once had one of these "cyclists" for an English teacher, and he was one of the weirdest people I ever knew - he kept his bike in his office). Anyway, these are the kinds of people who wear tight spandex (grose), tight yellow shirts or jerseys or whatever they are with the Discovery team logo on them, and those European helmates that come to a point in the back. The thing that annoys me the most is that they ride in the middle of the road and hold up traffic. There are also the ones who ride in groups with matching uniforms like they are a "team", which is even more quere if possible. But the thing is - they only come out once a year during the Tour de France . . . why? Do they think they are in it or are they just weird. That goes back to me saying they are just weird, yeah I'm gonna go with that one . . . weird.


At July 15, 2007 at 5:33 PM , Blogger Oberon said...

......thank you for your comment.....i'm glad you like my blog.

At July 15, 2007 at 8:44 PM , Blogger Kathy Hernandez said...

We all have a 'type' we don't like, for whatever reason. I don't like smug people; you know, the ones that have it all figured out, to the last little detail. I probably don't like their smugness because I am jealous of their orderly lives, something mine is seriously lacking.

At July 18, 2007 at 12:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t hate one type in particular;

I hate everyone equally :)

At July 18, 2007 at 7:07 AM , Blogger lassmann said...

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At July 19, 2007 at 8:41 AM , Blogger David (Snappy) said...

Hey Kel, I have dropped by your blog from a comment you left on another one.Biofuel I think?
Drop by mine soon.hope you blog some more posts soon!


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